Tennis Welcome Letter2025-03-12T17:17:47-04:00

Tennis Welcome Letter

Welcome to BOC Tennis 2025 Season!

The tennis season begins at the end of April and lasts through October. In addition to ample court availability to play with your friends, we provide many opportunities to meet new players, work on improving your game, and also test your game in competitive play.

The BOC has a long history of being a volunteer organization where the volunteer efforts of the members result in a strong sense of community, and the cost of operating a first class club are kept reasonable. The big push is at the beginning of the year when we need to prepare the club for the upcoming season. This includes laying down the lines, setting up nets, cleaning up the winter debris, and preparing the clubhouse. Your help keeps the maintenance cost down for the club.

However, many volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year. If you would like to participate but can’t make it to the workdays, or you wish to contribute in a different way, contact any member of the tennis committee.


The membership fee is $275 for the 2025 season, which is considered an excellent rate for a club like ours. We always strive to keep our fees as low as feasible while raising enough to be able to maintain the facility and programming we’re all used to.

For those who are so inclined we have a discretionary contribution option as part of the registration. Donations can be earmarked for either Youth Scholarships or Clubhouse Improvements if you wish. We greatly appreciate any extra contributions, and of course a contribution can be made at any time throughout the year.

The club strives to be accessible to everyone in the community. If you’re considering joining the club for the first time but feel that the registration fee is too great a hurdle, the club has a limited amount of financial aid available. If you would like to apply for financial aid, please write an email to the tennis committee at describing what tennis means for you and telling us what fee you could manage.

Court reservations
The BOC online court reservation system is accessible at Please go to this site and sign in. If you are a new member, you will be given login information as soon as your registration and payment have been processed. The site will lead you through the steps to reserve a court. This system and the website have proven to be a successful mechanism for members to make and cancel court reservations, communicate club news, and provide forms for league, ladder, tournament, and summer program registration.

Finding people to play with
There are a number of ways to meet other players. We have a number of club events and programs that promote interaction and afford the opportunity to meet other members. Last summer the tennis committee worked closely with new members to help them find other members of similar ability to play with, and we will continue with this initiative in 2025. The tennis committee members, know most of the members and have the knowledge and experience to match players of similar abilities.

You can sign up for an individual or small group lesson. Larger clinics may be available later in the season. Contact club pro and program coordinator Jacob Miller for more information.

Holiday mixers
Traditionally we have holiday mixers running from 10am to 3pm on Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. They offer round robin doubles play for everyone and a barbecue cookout. Club pros and volunteers facilitate the round robin until 2pm. Members do their own matching for the last hour. The club provides the cookout main course food (burgers, hot dogs, rolls, soda, chips, condiments, etc.) Members bring a salad or dessert to share. The holiday mixers provide an excellent opportunity to meet new tennis partners while enjoying a fun day of tennis. If it rains the mixers are not rescheduled.

Adult clinics will be available this season. Sharpen your game and pick up new skills in a friendly group environment with players of similar skill level. Great way to meet new players! Contact club asst. pro and program coordinator Ed Powers (

Youth Tennis Program
Programs for children are an important part in the development of the BOC. Please remember that children are granted membership at no additional charge when they are signed up with an adult membership. The BOC allows tennis members who are Big Brothers/Big Sisters through the local program to include their little sister/brother as a family member at no cost. A membership for a youth not connected to any adult membership is only $40 for the season.

We will have several options for youth programs. Contact Jacob Miller for information about individual, or small group youth instruction.

This is a casual club and there are not many rules. The rules we have are largely based on common sense and courtesy. We welcome new ideas. Feel free to contact any member of the committee to discuss ideas for improving the club, express concerns, request clarification.

We have an easy-to-adhere-to dress code, which we’ve found allows us to be casual and expressive while still being respective of others. Here are the rules:

1. We ask that everyone wear a shirt/top.

2. We ask that clothing not be offensive in style or message.

3. We ask that appropriate footwear be worn so as to protect our playing surfaces.

4. We do not allow dogs at the club.

You are also welcome to attend and speak at committee meetings. If you would like to have an item on the agenda please contact the chair, Scott Herstad prior to the meeting. We are looking for new committee members. If you are interested in volunteering your time in this way you should contact a committee member. Meetings are generally held second Monday of the month, 5:15 p.m.

BOC clubhouse
Questions regarding the daily upkeep of the clubhouse can be addressed to any committee member.

Final reminder
To make the season more fun for everyone, please cancel your court reservations on the computer system promptly when you do not intend to use the court. It can be helpful to others even if you cancel only an hour before your reservation starts. For those who want a court when they are all booked it is a good idea to check the reservation calendar frequently. Also, please make sure your footwear is flat-soled and made for soft court play. Running and workout shoes have soles that are too aggressive and will damage clay courts. Making repairs to the courts is time consuming, sometimes expensive, and renders the courts unusable until the work is finished.

BOC Tennis Committee

Scott Herstad – BOC Tennis Chair, Grounds Committee
Nancy Heydinger – Treasurer
Julie Ros – Communications
Joe Meyer
– Chair Emeritus
Jacob Miller BOC Tennis Director
Ed Powers  – BOC Tennis Assistant Pro & Program Coordinator
Grounds Committee:
Carl Hirth
Amit Sharma
Matt Guiltinan
Membership Committee:
Shelley Ritchie
– Chair
Maggie Mckay
Rose ChaffeeQuestions or comments:

Volunteer Workdays

We need you! Volunteerism has been a tradition at the BOC since its inception. For the tennis club this means members volunteer their time and labor to help prepare and set up the courts for the upcoming season, and they clean up and take down the courts in the fall. Tennis workdays are the main vehicle for members to fulfill their volunteer hours requirement.

Each year the work days and times are listed in the spring BOC Newsletter and on the BOC website. The work days are scheduled (weather permitting) for Saturday & Sunday April 19/20 and April 26/27. and the last weekend in October (and the first weekend of November, if necessary). The times are generally 9am to 12pm in the spring and 10am to 1pm in the fall. Work day schedules may vary according to the weather forecasts near the selected dates; last minute changes are posted here.

The tasks are mostly the same each year, although special projects will occasionally make additional labor necessary. Spring work involves a lot of raking and clearing winter debris; cleaning the clubhouse and appliances; hanging windscreens; shoveling and spreading slate coat; and setting court tapes, which means nailing, nailing, nailing! Though the club has a small inventory of tools, members are requested to bring gloves, rakes, hammers, and shovels. The fall work also involves raking leaves; cleaning the clubhouse; removing nets and windscreens; and pulling up the court tapes, de-nailing them, and rolling them up for storage. Bring gloves, rakes, and warm clothing as it’s often quite cool at this time of the year.

Club Workdays are also a great way to reconnect with tennis friends you haven’t seen all winter, to make new friendships, or, if you’re new to the club, to meet members and make connections for summer play. Please join us!

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