Help us get the docks in the water and spruce up the boathouse. We welcome novice and experienced rowers to kick off our 2025 season in May. Join us for the following event:
MAY 31, 10-12, TRY IT OUT DAY: A free introduction to rowing.
Learn how to get in and out of a boat, take strokes while tethered to the dock, and maybe launch on the West River. Designed to give you a taste of rowing!
No registration necessary.
No registration necessary.
“RowBOC” is the nickname of the Brattleboro Outing Club Rowing Program. We are in our 16th season of rowing from our docks on the West River in Brattleboro, Vermont. We believe rowing builds skills people need in daily life: teamwork, persistence, working toward a goal, and a sense of humor and humility. It’s also an excellent opportunity for fitness, recreation, and making new friends.
Our members include youth rowers, novice rowers, and experienced adult rowers and competitors. The rowing season generally runs from May to the middle of autumn. Our dock and boathouse on Spring Tree Lane gives us access to both the West River and the Connecticut River. The West River is generally calmer and more shallow, giving us access to the water earlier and an optimal place to teach novice rowers. The Connecticut is big and wide and offers miles of unobstructed rowing.
Membership in RowBOC entitles rowers to use club equipment depending on their proven individual skill level and on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not use a reservation system for certain boats at scheduled times. There are planned group rows throughout the season and we welcome all members to join in. We have active local members who travel from as far afield as Shelburne Falls, MA and Keene, NH to row with us!
We are primarily a sculling club, but The RowBOC boathouse has a variety of boats available for sweep and sculling in singles, doubles, pairs, and fours. We place emphasis on safety and correct rowing form, as well as care for the boats and equipment. Certain boats are available only to members who have demonstrated advanced rowing skill and boat handling in and out of water.
Rowers have access to the boathouse through a combination lock once they have paid their membership fee. There are no scheduled rowing hours, and no boathouse manager on site. Rowers who have taken a clinic and gained experience may take a boat out independently, though we advise rowing with a buddy whenever possible.