About BOC Skier

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So far BOC Skier has created 8 blog entries.

Classic XC Ski Lessons

Wishing for a little instruction to help you enjoy the great snow we’ve been having for cross country skiing?

Who: Individuals or same householdsmall groups (up to 4 people, children on skis welcome!) interested in some basic classic cross country ski instruction can sign up for a 45 minute lesson.

When: Saturday afternoon, Feb 20. Time slots of 12:30, 1:30 and 2:30pm will be reserved on a first come, first served basis.

FREE for BOC XC members, with donations accepted for our new ski equipment fund.

Non-BOC XC members can sign up and pay $20/person for the lesson, and will also need to purchase a trail pass ($15). You will need to supply your own ski equipment. (Limited rentals are available locally from Burrows Specialized Sports in Brattleboro)

Contact: Linda Bailey at labdeb@sover.net or 802-254-6965 to sign up, or if you have a question.
Classic XC Ski Lessons2021-02-16T15:16:04-05:00

FAMILY SNOWSHOEING & XC SKIING ***Re-scheduled to Feb. 22-24***


When: Monday 2/22/2021 – Wednesday 2/24/2021

Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm

Where: Brattleboro Outing Club (BOC) Trails at the Brattleboro Country Club (BCC)

Who: Single Households

Cost: $10 single, $20 per family / requested donation. Please place all donations in the black mailbox located at the bulletin board at the trails head.

Info: Come snowshoe or XC ski with your household on the Brattleboro Outing Club (BOC) trails located at the Brattleboro Country Club. There are miles of scenic well groomed trails for beginners or for the most advanced participant. If you don’t have snow shoes at home, there are a few pairs to borrow from Brooks Memorial Library or bring your XC Skis from home, and head over to the trails located at the back end of the parking lot at the Brattleboro Country Club for some Snow Shoeing or XC skiing fun. We request that you attend by yourself or with your household, adhere to proper social distancing, and wear a face mask while entering, exiting and while on the trails. You will be required to sign in upon arrival for contact tracing purposes. Sign in sheet is located at the bulletin board at the head of the trail system, and all donations can be placed into the black mailbox also located at the bulletin board. For more information about the BOC trail system at the BCC please visit their website at: www.brattleborooutingclub.org

FAMILY SNOWSHOEING & XC SKIING ***Re-scheduled to Feb. 22-24***2021-02-13T09:04:55-05:00

2 for 1 Skiing and Snowshoeing

When: Friday, February 26, 2021 at 9 AM EST – 4 PM EST

Where: BOC Ski and Snowshoe Trails at the Brattleboro Country Club, 73 Senator Gannett Drive, Brattleboro, VT

Public · Hosted by Brattleboro Outing Club

The Brattleboro Outing Club invites the community to discover the fun of cross-country and snowshoeing on the Club’s beautiful trails, located at the Brattleboro Country Club. To introduce enthusiasts to the trails, the BOC is offering a 2-FOR-1 SKI AND SNOWSHOE DAY. Simply register at the new BOC Ski Hut Kiosk. With each paid admission, a companion (of equal or lower admission price) may ski for free.
Fees are as follows: Adults: $15 Youth 6-21: $10 Children 5 & Under: Free

Brattleboro Outing Club XC members may bring a friend to ski or snowshoe for free.

See Less
2 for 1 Skiing and Snowshoeing2021-02-13T09:04:15-05:00

**Senior Wednesdays**


WHEN: Every Wednesday the trails are open.
DESCRIPTION:  Non-BOC members 65 or older can ski or snowshoe for $5.00.

**Senior Wednesdays**2020-12-28T10:02:52-05:00

**Volunteer Groomer Training**


When:  The first 3″-5″  snow event

Where:  BOC Ski Hut

Contact Grooming Coordinator Bill Jahn to help with grooming.  billjahn1123@gmail.com

**Volunteer Groomer Training**2020-12-07T19:02:44-05:00

**Woods Trail Maintenance **



When:  On-going

Volunteers adopt a woods trail or two.  Trails need weed whacking, clipping and blowdown branch removal to keep trails open  for skiing and snowshoeing.  Contact Trail Maintenance Coordinator Joe Cook if you would like to help:  jfcook3@gmail.com

**Woods Trail Maintenance **2020-12-07T19:18:33-05:00

Fall Equipment Clean-Up


WHERE: Meet in the parking lot near the Ski Hut
73 Senator Gannet Drive

Over the past decades the BOC XC Ski program has been accumulating a good deal of items that are no longer used. We will be sorting stakes, tossing rotting signs, pallets, and ski racks; and scrapping old, unused ski and grooming equipment.

You will need to bring masks and gloves. We will be following COVID-19 Guidelines for outdoor volunteers. Please review the link below.


Please join in the fun! Many hands make light work.

Fall Equipment Clean-Up2020-11-01T08:51:08-05:00
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