
The Brattleboro Outing Club tennis facility, conveniently located at 202 Cedar Street in Brattleboro, is home to six of the most beautifully-maintained red clay courts in New England. With the rustic charm and casual setting of its 30s-era tennis clubhouse, low membership fees, and relaxed family-oriented atmosphere, the BOC tennis facility offers a superb tennis option for residents of all ages.

The tennis season runs from late April until early November, depending on the weather. Adult membership is $275 per person, per year. Membership for children 21 and under is free when they are signed up with a parent, guardian, or Big Brother/Sister. Otherwise, the junior membership fee is only $40 per year, and $100 for young adults ages 19 to 25. Guests are welcome to play with a member for a $20 fee-per-court use (i.e., one to three guests may play for $20, per reservation).

Historically the BOC has always been a volunteer-driven organization, and the tennis committee and the BOC board encourage members to continue this time-honored tradition. Volunteer participation allows the BOC to remain affordable and to retain its unique character, and it’s also a great way to meet other members.

The Membership Welcome Letter will give you all the information you need about the club, including how to stay abreast of what is happening at the club, the different opportunities offered to club members, the few rules that are needed to keep the club enjoyable for all, and suggestions for meeting other members, such as club mixers, singles and doubles leagues, youth camps, adult clinics and private or group lessons.

There are two ways to register for the Tennis Program


1. Click the button

2. Fill out the application form and pay using either option below:

–using Credit Card or PayPal (no extra fee)

–mail a check to BOC, PO Box 335, Brattleboro, VT, 05302


1. Obtain a registration form at the club.

2. Fill it out and return by either option below:

–mail it with your check to BOC, PO Box 335, Brattleboro, VT, 05302

–put it in the mail slot at the clubhouse

We strongly recommend the online Credit Card/PayPal. It expedites the process for you, simplifies the process for us, and gets all of your information accurately into our database. We will email you verification and instructions for making online court reservations.


This is a casual club and there are not many rules. The rules we have are largely based on common sense and courtesy. We welcome new ideas. Feel free to contact any member of the committee to discuss ideas for improving the club, express concerns, request clarification.

We have an easy-to-adhere-to dress code, which we’ve found allows us to be casual and expressive while still being respective of others. Here are the rules:

1. We ask that everyone wear a shirt/top.

2. We ask that clothing not be offensive in style or message.

3. We ask that appropriate footwear be worn so as to protect our playing surfaces.

4. We do not allow dogs at the club.

The BOC tennis committee consists of up to twelve members who volunteer their time to conduct the business of the tennis program. All members are welcome at the tennis committee meetings held monthly through the season.


Below is our 2025 program schedule.  We are hopeful of doing all of the events and programs we did in the pre-Covid days, plus some new ones.   Our schedule changes throughout the year, so PLEASE CHECK BACK AND FOLLOW NEWSLETTER UPDATES.

Dates Days Tasks Column 1
April 19 & 20 Sat/Sun Work days for members court setup
April 26 & 27 Sat/Sun Work days for members court setup
May 3 & 4 Sat/Sun Opening Weekend for Summer 2025
May 26 Monday Memorial Day Mixer 10am-3pm
June 23 Monday Summer Camps begin
June 20 Thursday Solstice Tennis Party
July 4 Friday No summer camps
July 4 Friday Fourth of July Mixer 10am–3pm
August 15 Friday Summer Camps End
Sept 1 Monday Labor Day Mixer 10am-3pm
TBA Saturday Mixed Doubles Tournament
Oct 25 & 26 Sat/Sun Court work days cleanup
Nov 1 & 2 Sat/Sun Court work days cleanup – season ends